Banish Fear Forever

I want to tell you about two of the most powerful words in the world. One has the ability to elevate your self-confidence; the other will prevent you from feeling confident. The first has only five letters, but it has the strength to move mountains. That word is called Faith. Faith in yourself and in […]

Have Faith in Yourself

What can you do about those fear-faith whisperings? Here’s what I did. I decided that a good way to build self-confidence and courage would be to simply tune out the whisperings of fear, just play hard of hearing and refuse to listen to every negative thought or word that came my way. In building confidence […]

Be a Risk-Taker

We put ourselves at risk every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moment of the day. If we didn’t, we’d stay rooted in one spot forever. Indeed, when the result of our risk-taking is not to our liking, we use the expression, “I should have stayed in bed”. Many people seem to “stay in bed” all their […]

Ten Principles of Self Reliance

I have always believed that developing confidence in one’s self is a necessary step in developing self reliance. I believe that when it comes to standing on your own two feet you can’t do better than following these ten principles. To your own self are true. Listen to your inner voice; don’t let others derail […]

Give Faith a Chance

The millions of people who have read my books and the millions who have heard me lecture know that I place a great value on faith. I’ve written about religious faith and mentioned it in my lectures. You have your own beliefs and you follow them in your own way. I’m sure many of you […]