Truly outstanding salespeople are all excellent listeners and know what questions to ask to find the right product for their customer. The only way to be assured of this kind of comfort is by doing your homework in advance so you’re 100 percent certain you can handle any situation that might arise. There’s nothing more […]
Find the Right Product for Your Customer
Providing Needed Information
Some salespeople lose sight of the fact that part of their mission is to provide needed information to their prospects. First, you must inform prospects about how they can benefit from your product and how it represents a good value for their money. Second, you must help them make the proper buying decision. And third, […]
Sell Like a Professional
Professional salespeople will take the time to obtain the information they need to match the right product for their customers by asking a series of questions. The purpose of these questions is to investigate the needs of the prospect and to get a conversation going. Of course, what he tells you will help you determine […]
Reduce the Number of Objections
One way to reduce the number of objections you encounter is to give a thorough sales presentation! The more complete one is, the more clearly the buyer will understand your offer, which in turn will provide him with more reason to make a positive buying decision. You must inform prospects about how they can benefit […]
Do Your Homework
Selling yourself and your product does not consist of magic, or showing off or luck. It consists of homework and hard work and rewarding work. The more you understand about your prospect’s needs and wants, the better equipped you’ll be to provide them with the right solution and product! Of course, the effectiveness of the […]
Buyer’s Remorse
There probably isn’t a person alive who hasn’t had buyer’s remorse at one time or another. I’m sure everyone has had second thoughts after making an impulsive, extravagant, or ridiculous purchase. In our fast-moving society, with today’s high cost of living, we often make snap decisions only to wonder later if we acted too hastily. […]
Being Sold On What You Sell
Before you can sell your product to somebody else, you must be 100% sold on it yourself. Otherwise, you can’t sell with conviction, and no matter how much you try to fake it, people will see right through you. Conviction comes when salespeople believe so strongly in the value of their product that their single […]
Answer the Objection, and Close the Sale
Selling isn’t always smooth sailing, and if you see enough prospects, you’re bound to run into your share of objections. But if you took away the objections, salespeople would be reduced to nothing more than glorified order takers—and commission rates would be a fraction of their present size. Selling would no longer be a prosperous […]