Everyone has 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Throw in an extra 24 hours in a leap year. So you have 1,440 minutes in the 24-hour day. I call it the greatest gift of all. Once you’ve spent those 1,440 minutes, it’s gone. You can’t spend it anymore. Think of yesterday as a […]
The Greatest Gift of All
Your life is about more than just your job. To live a balanced life, you must pay attention to everything that’s important to you. That’s how I do it. My approach is neat, orderly, and it works. I know exactly what I expect of myself and when–and so does everyone else. Here’s the kicker though: […]
Work When You Work
Time wasted cannot be regained. It’s a cancelled check – worth nothing. I guard my time like it was gold. In fact, to me, it’s worth even more than gold because you can’t buy a sack of time with a sack of gold. That’s why I don’t like distractions in my life. I know they […]
Time—That Precious Gift
The hardest thing to recapture in life is lost time. It’s virtually impossible. When it comes to guarding this precious gift, beware of public enemies one and two: LAZINESS and PROCRASTINATION. Don’t let those two thieves anywhere near your life. Effective use of time is critical to organizing a plan to achieve your goals. One […]