Success Despite Failures

Helping people achieve success has been the motivating factor in my books and lectures as a motivational speaker; I consider it a reason for being. I believe we’re all put on earth for different reasons, and my reason for being on earth is to excite people, to get them to think differently from the ways they’ve thought before. Here is some advice for people who want to be in business for themselves or who want to advance in their organization. Don’t be afraid to use these ideas or adapt them to your own needs.

Success Despite Failure

Success Despite Failure


* Market a product or service that’s unique. Look for that one-of-a-kind opportunity.

* Look for trends in what consumers are interested in and what they are buying.

* Advertise and excite in a manner that’s as unique as your product or service.

* Be quick on your feet to outpace the competition.

* Appeal to the emotions of the customer. He or she is concerned about saving money, appearance,health, entertainment, and above all, value.

* Drop the product or service when your bottom line shows a loss in profits or competitive edge.

* Experience all the things that might happen along the way and get on with what you’re doing. Go with the flow.


If you really believe you’re going to be successful, you will be, despite failures. Rarely do you learn from success. From all of my failures I’ve learned things. That’s why I really cherish my failures; I’m convinced that failure is a learning process. I believe in certain forces, that there are success forces, and that there are failure forces. One of the success forces, strange as it may seem, is failure itself.

Every time you fail, you are forced closer to success. Fail enough times and the knowledge gained puts you in a very strong position to achieve success. A lot of this has to do with belief. I’ve always felt—even when I lost everything I’d achieved, which I did on a couple of occasions—that I was still going to be a huge success, that it was just a matter of time.

Success and failure in marketing products and services is one thing, but how you handle success and failure is, I believe, a far more important thing. It’s from experiences in life that you start programming your mind and discover what you like and what you really want to do. You meet people and you meet opportunities. When the time is right for getting into something you really want to do, it’ll happen. In the meantime just experience a lot of things and go with the flow.

Photo Credits- Quotes Everlasting