How you handle the people you care about most in this world—your family, your customers—has everything to do with whether or not they will stay with you or come back to you. People don’t forget how you treat them. Fortunately, you get to decide your own fate here.
HERE’S THE LESSON: What people will think about your character and reputation in the future is forged now—not tomorrow but right now. There are special people in my life who pointed me in the right direction. Their inspiration, encouragement and honesty played a significant role in helping me personally chisel my way through life to a rewarding and successful career based on truth and integrity.
What are you doing about your character and reputation? Here are some guideposts for you to follow:
- Always remember the time you spend cultivating customers today is the fruit that will keep them for tomorrow. Make them feel appreciated. A salesperson-customer relationship should be a long-term marriage.
- Do thoughtful little things for your customers and the people in your life to remind them you care. Send a birthday card; congratulate them on a new baby or a new job. Do something for someone, or some cause, without expecting any pay for it.
- It is the unexpected little things you do that will register the most (like staying in touch) If you respect people, treat them right, and keep in touch with them, they should never find a good reason for leaving you.
- “Give them what they want—and a little more”, as Sam Walton used to say. They’ll remember you and return your kindness many times over. You should always do more than you’re asked to do. Go out of your way to help someone.
Don’t let others talk you out of doing something extra for the people you care about. The truth is, when people see how much you believe in what you’re doing for them by standing in front of your commitments, they’ll respond by believing in you. It’s human nature. Leave a legacy you can be proud of.
Think of the honest and faithful relationships you have formed in your life by being truthful and trusting. One of the few things you can always give in this life, and still keep, is YOUR WORD. Cherish it. It has your name on it. Keeping your word and telling the truth speaks well of your character and earns the respect and trust of the people around you!
It should be obvious that building a power reputation is a significant step toward establishing the character of who you are and what you stand for in life whenever you are seen or others mention your name. This isn’t about being famous or anything like that. It’s about representing yourself to others with the same honesty and respect you would want from them. When your character achieves that status, your reputation cannot reflect anything other then a positive image.